April’s Japan Experience!
Spring 2023 student April Kirkman shares her memorable experiences in Japan in photos. Check them out!
April’s second term at KCP International. She had so many fun and created new memories along the way!
With KCP International, you can earn more Japanese credit than you would in an entire year at your university. Plus, you can pick your start date!
Immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!
Read all about Japanese immersion learning and studying abroad. Check out our eZasshi archives for more articles!
Spring 2023 student April Kirkman shares her memorable experiences in Japan in photos. Check them out!
April’s second term at KCP International. She had so many fun and created new memories along the way!
Read all about Japanese immersion learning and studying abroad. Check out our eZasshi archives for more articles!